Hi there all!

Ingmar Hoogendijk

New member
Oct 21, 2017

I am Ingmar from Amsterdam in the Netherlands and joined this forum to learn more about constructing your own powerwall, to be connected to my PV system or potentially a windmill.
I am working into Telecoms for a big Swedish company as an it-architect.
Hobbies are diy, photography and doing maintenance on the car.
I have installed about 3 PV systems myself in the past and also converted cars to run on vegetable oil and biodiesel, which is still not so popular in the Netherlands since our government still likes to earn money on taxes as if this fuel was bought from the mid-East :huh: . Today due to the fact that my car is a CDI I am still running partly on BioDiesel for which I have a good source.

Looking forward to read about and meetup with new people over here.

Br. Ingmar

Also to be found on www.ppo.nu, www.mercedesforum.nl and www.nikon-club-nederland.nl

I'm Bukola from Nigeria. I trained as an electronic/electrical Engineer and I've also practiced PV design and Installation for 9 yrs. I joined this forum for knowledge and enable me impact my immediate society. I was inspired by Peter (Australia), Garcia (California) and Romer (Sweden) and I actually built my first pack yesterday. I call it "Cell Matrix"

